Spam filtering

Spam filtering is active for all accounts, such that spam is delivered to the spam box in your mail directory, and real mail is delivered to your inbox. You may train your filter in two ways. If you use PINE:

  • When spam arrives in your inbox, select the message, type |bogo, and press return. You may then delete the message.
  • When legitimate mail arrives in your spam box, select the message, type |unbogo, and press return. You may then save the message to INBOX.

It is important that you periodically check your spam box for legitimate mail, and also empty it. This is easy if you use PINE, a local IMAP client, or webmail (just make sure to subscribe to the spam folder from the Folder Options page). If you use a local POP client and don’t have access to your spam box, you should check it occasionally using PINE.